Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 8 Thing 18

Well, I decided to use Google Docs to create a document. I found it very nice, and I went into detail on the document about what I think of this online word processing.

I decided to add a table to get an idea of how that works and imported a graphic from this blog. I had to try a number of times before I got it right and got use to how it works, but I persevered and got it to look the way I wanted it to look. And best of all I learned some things about Google Docs.

This exercise was very practical, and one of my favorites since it showed me something very helpful and useful that I may not have ever found on my own.

Here is the text of what I think about Google Docs:

"This is my test document for the "23 Things Project." I am so excited by this ability to create documents online. It sure solves many problems. I was looking into buying a new computer, but most of the reasonable priced do not come with MS Word etc. But now I will not have to have Word to create documents. And it is so nice that if you have the Internet you can access your documents. I hope I can get used to it so I can maybe use it in place of Word."

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