Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 7 Thing 16

I find the idea of Wikis interesting. It certainly can save great amounts of time if anyone can add to a document (website), or can impart their knowledge on a subject. It would make group projects that much easier.

Controls is the first thing that came to mind when I thought about Wikis. Someway to keep things from getting out of hand. It appears that most Wikis do have that control in place with someone checking on content and cleaning it up if they must.

I think in the library Wikis could be used to get content or ideas about any subject that is currently being discussed in Administrative Council, MOB, MACO , etc. It could make it open to anyone on the library staff to add their thoughts, without needing to go through another person. Some may not speak up, but they may write about something.

They could also be used to generate ideas for an infinite subjects. A branch may ask for ideas from other branches and departments.

I feel as if it is a way to brainstorm in a broader and easier way. If two minds are better than one, many minds are even that much better. Wikis make that work and in an easy format. That can be very powerful.

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