Monday, September 10, 2007

Week 3 Thing 7

For me it is not anything specific about technology that I can think of, but just that it always is amazing me. Two areas that are interesting to me are movie technology (special affects) and technology that makes things work better or more efficient.

It is kind of funny with the special effects part because I am not a huge special effects person. In other words, I do not go to a movie or rent one just because it has great special effects. But I am amazed by the ones I do see such as those by Pixar. I just can't believe what they can do now, and how real it looks. It is funny how it is really like magic or illusion.

Making something better or more efficient is amazing to me because of how sometimes things that took so long or so many steps can now be accomplished in few steps, quickly, and with little effort. One example I can think of is something I read from a musician who once wanted to have one song on an album (yes album, it was that long ago) seamlessly segue into the next one. He said it took so many moves on the sound board and had to be done so fast to make it work that it was difficult. He said that now a computer can do it with almost no effort.

It is also amazing when one task can be merged into another, such as the tools and programs that are on Flickr.

And then there is the uses in medicine. Which may be the greatest uses. Boy, on and on it goes.

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