Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week 3 Thing 5

I have explored Flickr a number of times now and I am still a little confused about certain aspects of it. I realize it is great for doing many things with photos, but I find it very hard to navigate around in it and understand how to use all the different aspects it has to offer.

I am frustrated by this. It could be just me, but I feel I need very logical step by step instructions for Flickr which I can't seem to find. Again it may be just me.

I wish I could figure it out and be able to use it better, since it seems like a great site with wonderful potential. Well maybe I will catch on in the future. I know I can ask others, but I am not even sure what to ask and I have this desire to figure it out on my own. I know that is not a good method and I may miss out on things if I use that approach.

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