Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 9 Thing 23

Well, here are my comments on the Maryland 23 Things Project:

1. I feel it was definitely worth doing, since it gave me the chance (push) to check out Web applications that I would not have checked out on my own. Even if I do not use some of them again, I at least have a better understanding of them and how they are used. It is nice to now understand what someone is talking about when discussing some of these applications.

2. I got a sense of satisfaction after completing some of the activities. Though they were at times confusing and I still may not have understood everything about certain applications, I was able to do the basics.

3. The program gave me the chance to ask my colleagues for help when I was confused about a Web site. It was nice to work together, and have someone who had already done a Thing, that I was working on, be able to help me understand better.

4. I had fun on a number of the 23 Things.

Yeaaa, I think I have completed the 23 Things.

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